S.E.E.R. is an efficiency rating, much like how miles per gallon
(MPG) is used to rate automobile efficiency. We all understand that
if you drive 300 miles and consume exactly 20 gallons of gas, then
your vehicle's fuel efficiency (MPG) is 15 miles per gallon (300
miles divided by 20 gallons). A vehicle that gets 18 MPG would be
more efficient (less costly) to operate, and a 12 MPG vehicle is
less efficient (more costly) to operate. For HVAC, S.E.E.R. follows
the same rationale.
When discussing air conditioning
system efficiencies, the SEER number is the typical guideline, and
the higher the SEER number, the more efficient the unit (E.g., a 12
SEER unit is 20% more efficient than a 10 SEER unit). This
information can be a considerable help when evaluating the cost
versus the value of a new system.
It's All About Efficiency
Interested in saving money? Matching equipment can provide
efficiencies up to 17 SEER/9.5 HPSF, which means substantial energy
savings. By comparison, your old unit may have such poor efficiency
that it's costing you twice as much to operate every month!